There are things to consider before booking a show. Ideally you will not have booked a venue or have a good idea when your choice of venue is available. As I book multiple shows, it is always best to check my availability before making a firm commitment to a venue. If it is a party in your home there is no issue. But if you are booking a restaurant or other facilty then please keep in my I may already be booked for that date and time.
Do not make a firm booking of a venue before contacting me. Always check if you can change the time of your party if need be. I will work with you in order to help with conflicts.
Booking a show requires a 25% down payment. And while I understand that sometimes life interferes with plans I require 48 hours notice for cancellation with total loss of your deposit. Full details of your responsibilties will be laid out in our agreement.
Please free to ask me anything. I want your show to be as fantastic as you do and working together it will be a great success.